Quality processes

Rainforest Alliance Seal
Our quality makes us different!

Quality is a factor that sets us apart, which is why we take care of all the details from the plant and its process to provide exceptional quality in the cup.

We dedicate ourselves so that each coffee bean is properly roasted, maintaining the characteristics that differentiate our Blends, Regions and Premium Coffees. Our coffee is tasted before going to market, with this we ensure that the quality will always be the same.

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Bourbon, Caturra, Catuaí, Pacamara, Marsellesa, Geisha.
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Hand picked

It is the coffee harvest carried out by the workers, based on the ripe cherries. Up to 3 cuts can be made depending on the height and variety.



It is the process that is carried out to remove the pulp of the coffee and turn it into gold (green) coffee.



It consists of a sensory analysis, in which its properties are examined through the senses and that allows us to perceive characteristics of the coffee.

Customer service

We identify ourselves by going hand in hand with our customers, promptly meeting their requirements, developing new Blends, outlining roasts and grindings, achieving the correct preparation of each coffee-based beverage through constant training.

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